Thursday, March 4, 2010

Twitter is something I haven't got around to yet...

That being said, I'm sure I will. I can see the merits in its setup. But I'll tell you what, if there's one thing I respond well to, it's this:

I like it when people act out their tweets.

Twitter: The Criterion Collection

It's definitely not safe for work, so be advised. However, I like the creativity involved with this one. As the article states, the rules were simply to act out, recite, or otherwise communicate tweets that were not your own. You could do whatever you wanted, but you could only use the tweets for any kind of dialogue. It's a fun exercise, and it is one of the best kind of games in my opinion; the kind that set simple boundaries and then let people exercise their creativity. People definitely exercised their creativity for some of these.

Holy shit did they exercise creativity. Props to the tweeters as well, especially at 2:59, at 4:06, at 6:05, and at the end, 9:34. I know they are all sexual humor, I don't care, they're all fit their particular tweets well.

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