Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's around 12:30 in the morning...

and I can't sleep. Again. Might as well be productive. So, I'll just throw some stuff around.

Dreams. Not just those produced during healthy sleep, but the kind that make us do all the things we don't want to do in order to get them within our grasp. I guess that would be a good point in life to take a look around: when I stop doing things because I have a dream, and start doing things because they what I want to do. It must be nice, I think I've grasped it once or twice. I'll keep a lookout.

Dave Attell...he's still funny and doing his thing. I think he's secretly happier than he let's on.

Movie/Music thought: The music from Steven Soderbergh's version of 'Solaris' is really, really good to me. It feels good, and I can put it into whatever emotional context I want, making it versatile; a big plus in my world. Here's a taste (iTunes):

Solaris Soundtrack, Cliff Martinez: Artist

Tip for the day: I suggest that you build a very simple crafts project at home. Doesn't need to be special, it could take only a couple of minutes. But when it's done, why don't you place it in the center of the room or kitchen table or something. It's a quick pick-me-up, and those are getting rare.

Another music plug: The New Law. A cool duo making some really good sounds up in Seattle. Check them out.

Okay, I'll call it there..

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